Network Station Response Form Joint CSTG/IERS Call for Participation International VLBI Service for Geodesy and Astrometry Network Station name: MATERA Parent/Funding organization: AGENZIA SPAZIALE ITALIANA (ASI) Name and title of onsite technical contact: DOMENICO DEL ROSSO (OPERATIONS MANAGER) Name and title of administrative contact: DR. FRANCESCO VESPE (ASI CGS GEODESY ACTIVITIES MANAGER) Station mailing address: CENTRO DI GEODESIA SPAZIALE C.P. APERTA CTR.DA TERLECCHIA 75100 MATERA - ITALY Onsite phone: +39 0835 377207 Onsite fax: +39 0835 334951 Onsite e-mail address: VLBI@ASI.IT Web access onsite? Yes Internet access onsite? Yes Internet connection type or bit rate: 256 KB Check the collocated space geodetic techniques at your site: SLR_X_GPS_X_DORIS___PRARE_X_GLONASS___Gravimeter___ Other (specify): Indicate the observing networks and programs in which your station regularly participates: NEOS___ EUROPE_X_ CORE-A_X_ CORE-B___ RDV___ IRIS-S___ Other (list): Percentage of time your station is used for geodesy/astrometry 100% List other observing time allocations and percentages of each: Indicate the configuration(s) you use for data acquisition (check all that apply): Rack: Mark IIIA_X VLBA__ VLBA-G__ Mark IV__ VLBA4__ K4__ S2__ LBA__ Recorder: Mark IIIA__ VLBA_X Mark IV__ S2__ P&G(VLBA)__ VLBA4__ K4 (specify type)__ Other (list): FS Version: 8.27 PC model: TAG 486/33 Other control software/computer (specify): H-maser model: OSCILLOQUARTZ EFOS-8 Other frequency standards: 2 CESIUM (HP 5061) GPS timing receiver model: FTS-8400 X/S receiver RF bandwidths: 2210-2450 8180-8980 MHz Number of full-time-equivalent personnel assigned to station functions: 4 Describe any hardware/software/equipment upgrades that are planned for your station. MARK-IV DAT & THIN TAPE RECORDER (IN PROGRESS) LINUX PC (PENTIUM) WITH FS 9.X (IN PROGRESS) Attach a list of personnel (names and titles) whom you designate as IVS Associate Members through their affiliation with your station. DR. GIUSEPPE BIANCO (ASI) BIANCO@ASI.IT DR. FRANCESCO VESPE (ASI) VESPE@ASI.IT DOMENICO DEL ROSSO (TELESPAZIO) DOMENICO_DELROSSO@TELESPAZIO.IT LUCIANO GARRAMONE (TELESPAZIO) GARRAMONE@ASI.IT GIUSEPPE COLUCCI (TELESPAZIO) COLUCCI@ASI.IT Please provide any other information that you feel will be helpful in demonstrating your station's capabilities to participate in the IVS. If you proposed to the IERS in 1995/6 as a radio telescope observatory and wish to have that proposal carry over to the IVS, please make such a statement in this proposal. The "Centro di Geodesia Spaziale" (CGS) of the Italian Space Agency came into operation in 1983 when a Satellite Laser Ranging SAO-1 System was installed at CGS. Fully integrated in the worldwide network, SAO-1 is in continuous operation since 1983, providing high precision ranging observations of several satellites. Next year the new Matera Laser Ranging Observatory (MLRO), the most advanced Satellite and Lunar Laser Ranging facility in the world, will be installed at the CGS. CGS hosted also mobile SLR systems as MTLRS (Holland/Germany) and TLRS-1 (NASA). In May 1990 the CGS has extended its capabilities to the Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) installing a 20-m radiotelescope. Since that, Matera performed 340 experiments up to August 1998. Besides the participation in the network programs listed above, Matera has been involved also in some Intensive IRIS Campaigns (also during 1998) and in several astronomical experiments. In 1996 the receiver was upgraded to standard Wide Band and the Mark-IV upgrade is now in progress (installation during 1999 planned). The installation of the New Linux PC FS with FS 9.x is in progress too. In 1991 started GPS activities participating to the GIG 91 experiment installing in Matera a permanent GPS Rogue receiver. In 1994 6 TurboRogue SNR 8100 receivers were purchased in order to create the Italian Space Agency GPS fiducial network (IGFN). The receivers were installed at Cagliari, Medicina, Noto, Genova and Venezia. Currently the IGFN is included in the IGS global network. All the GPS stations are managed by CGS and the data are archived and made available by the CGS WWW server GeoDAF. At the beginning of 1996 the operations of the Precision RAnge and Range-rate Experiment (PRARE) started. Thanks to the collocation of all precise positioning space based techniques (VLBI, SLR, GPS and PRARE), CGS is one of the few "fundamental" stations in the world. With the objective of exploiting the maximum integration in the field of Earth Observations, in the late 80's ASI extended CGS involvement also in Remote Sensing activities for present and future mission (ERS-1, ERS-2, X-SAR/SIR-C, ENVISAT) Your signature on this form indicates your agreement to participate in the IVS as a Network Station, to comply with IVS performance standards for data quality and operational reliability, and to work closely with the IVS Network and Technology Coordinators. If this is a new proposal (i.e. not carried over from IERS) your signature commits your organization to participate in the IVS. Name of person signing: Dr. Francesco Vespe Title: responsible of ASI-CGS geodesy activities. Signature: _________________________________________ Date: 17 Sep. 1998