Instructions for Preparation and Submission of Papers

for the Proceedings of the first IVS General Meeting

The Program Committee for the first IVS General Meeting requestes that all invited and contributing authors submit their papers for publication in the proceedings of the meeting. Papers are due no later than 15 March 2000.

Who should submit. Papers are requested for the proceedings from all authors except from authors presenting reports on their IVS components. IVS component reports will be submitted in a different way, to be announced soon.

Due date. Papers are due by 15 March 2000. We plan to have the publication distributed by early May, 2000.

Citation. The proceedings will be published as a NASA Conference Publication. The reference should be cited as follows: Proceedings of the First IVS General Meeting, edited by N. R. Vandenberg, NASA/CP-2000-209893.

Format for submissions. Please use the following guidelines in preparing your paper.

File names. Please name your LaTeX source file and PostScript image files according to the following conventions.

File type Name Examples
LaTeX source lastname.tex or lastnamei.tex
where i is a number indicating the order
of your multiple papers in the program.
petrov1.tex, petrov2.tex
PostScript image files or
where nn is a number identifying
each image in your paper.,

How to submit. When you are ready to test or submit your paper, put your .tex and .ps files on Please be sure to use the file naming conventions so that your report and images will have unique names.

Testing. You can use the Coordinating Center's installation of LaTeX to test how your report will look when it is published. To use this facility, fill out the LaTeX test form and submit it.

View papers. You can browse the submitted papers files. (There are lots of other files here too!)

Problems?. If you have problems or questions about the process, please contact the Coordinating Center.

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Please address questions or comments to the IVS Coordinating Center

Last updated: March 14, 2000