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ITRF2020 Update
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2023-10-31 New webpage devoted to ITRF2020 update.
2021-09-21 There is a new page devoted to vgosDB. This currently contains a draft manual and some vgosDB utilities.
2019-08-15 The IVS Analysis Coordinator's website is backup after a long hiatus. It is my goal to make this a 'one-stop-shop' for matters related to IVS Analysis. It will take some time to reach this goal. If there are items you would like to see on the website please let me know.
2014-11-19: The IVS source name and translation table has moved. Please click here to access the latest version of the table.
2014-10-27: Several conventions exist for naming sources, e.g., the IERS (B1950), IVS, and J2000 conventions. IVS will now maintain a table of source information that will provide the names by which each source is known. This table will also provide source coordinates in J2000. The table will be available on this web site's "Data and Information Files" page under the "Data files for VLBI Data Processing" section, under the "official IVS source name and translation table" link. The initial version is dated 26-Oct-2014. This table has been developed by and will be maintained by Karine Le Bail, whose contact information is listed in the file.
2014-06-20: Based on discussions at the March 2014 IVS Analysis Workshop, the Analysis Coordinator is requesting that all software packages used for IVS add the abilities to a) estimate Earth Rotation parameters (ERP) as piece-wise linear functions and b) set the epochs of the estimates. The requested time frame is to add these abilities by the end of 2014. The Analysis Coordinator also hopes to move towards reporting ERP at finer intervals. Please see this message for more details.
2014-01-24: Construction of ITRF2013 is underway. IVS is soliciting submissions from its Analysis Centers. Please visit this page for more details.
2014-01-17: The IVS Analysis Workshop will be held on the morning of Friday, March 7th in conjunction with the IVS 2014 General Meeting in Shanghai. The Analysis Workshop will have a more relaxed feel than the IVS GM. Any presentations will be short and informal, with plenty of opportunity for discussion. The Analysis Coordinator, John Gipson, is putting together a list of topics for the Workshop, and he welcomes your input at
2014-01-09: IVS is conducting a pilot program to use GPS tropospheric delays in Intensive Analysis. Please read this message for more details.

The position of the IVS Analysis Coordinator is currently supported by NASA GSFC. NASA + Privacy Policy and Important Notices Last updated: 2023-10-31