IVS Contacts


This page provides contact information for IVS activities:

For any questions or information about IVS please feel free to contact the Coordinating Center. For general information about IVS please click on the About IVS link at the top of this page.


Contacts for IVS Organization and Information

Topic Name e-mail/phone contact
Directing Board Chair Rüdiger Haas rudiger.haas@chalmers.se
+46-31-772-5530 (work)
Coordinating Center Director Dirk Behrend Dirk.Behrend@nasa.gov
+1-301-614-5939 (work)
Network Coordinator Alexander Neidhardt alexander.neidhardt@tum.de
+49-(0)9941 / 603-263 (work)
Analysis Coordinator Benedikt Soja soja@ethz.ch
+41-44-633-7340 (work)
Technology Coordinator Gino Tuccari g.tuccari@ira.inaf.it
+39-93-182-4108 (work)
+39-93-182-4122 (fax)


Contacts for IVS Operations

Topic Name e-mail/phone contact
Master schedule, scheduling antenna time Cynthia Thomas Cynthia.C.Thomas@nasa.gov
+1-301-614-5938 (work)
+1-301-286-0239 (fax)
Operations Ed Himwich Ed.Himwich@nasa.gov
+1-301-614-5937 (work)
+1-301-286-0239 (fax)


Technical Expert Contacts

Topic Name e-mail/phone contact
Correlator David Hall vlbi@usno.navy.mil
+1-202-762-1492 (office)
+1-202-762-1563 (fax)
DAT (MkIII/IV) Brian Corey bcorey@haystack.mit.edu
+1-781-981-5417 (work)
+1-781-981-0590 (fax)
Data analysis,
John Gipson John.M.Gipson@nasa.gov
+1-301-614-6876 (office)
+1-301-286-0239 (fax)
Chopo Ma Chopo.Ma@nasa.gov
+1-301-614-6101 (office)
+1-301-286-0239 (fax)
drudg John Gipson John.M.Gipson@nasa.gov
+1-301-614-6876 (work)
+1-301-286-0239 (fax)
Field System Ed Himwich Ed.Himwich@nasa.gov
+1-301-614-5937 (work)
+1-301-286-0239 (fax)
+1-301-652-4421 (home)
K-4, K-5 Mamoru Sekido sekido@nict.go.jp
+81-299-847146 (work)
+81-299-847159 (fax)
Phase/cable cal Brian Corey bcorey@haystack.mit.edu
+1-781-981-5417 (work)
+1-781-981-0590 (fax)
Pointing Ed Himwich Ed.Himwich@nasa.gov
+1-301-614-5937 (work)
+1-301-286-0239 (fax)
Receivers Brian Corey bcorey@haystack.mit.edu
+1-781-981-5417 (work)
+1-781-981-0590 (fax)
Reference frames Chopo Ma Chopo.Ma@nasa.gov
+1-301-286-0239 (fax)
+1-301-614-6101 (office)
RFI Brian Corey bcorey@haystack.mit.edu
+1-781-981-5417 (work)
+1-781-981-0590 (fax)
Scheduling antenna time Cynthia Thomas Cynthia.C.Thomas@nasa.gov
+1-301-614-5938 (work)
+1-301-286-0239 (fax)
sked John Gipson John.M.Gipson@nasa.gov
+1-301-614-6876 (work)
+1-301-286-0239 (fax)
Source models, flux catalog Dan MacMillan

+1-301-614-6118 (work)
+1-301-286-0239 (fax)