Preface |
Dirk Behrend |
Preface |
Session 1. Station Reports and Technical Developments |
Christian Plötz et al. |
Geodetic Observatory Wettzell: Status of the Twin Radio Telescopes and the VLBI Correlator |
Lim Chin Chuan et al. |
Geoscience Activities at the Onsala Space Observatory |
Gary Hovey et al. |
LEO Satellites and Antenna Performance Investigations with the Onsala Twin Telescopes |
Susana Garcia-Espada et al. |
Status of Ny-Ålesund Geodetic Earth Observatory |
Oddvar Tangen et al. |
Local Ties and Repeated Stability Measurements in Ny-Ålesund |
A. Rosillo et al. |
Estimation of the Focal Length Variation of Yebes Observatory 40-m Antenna |
Abel García-Castellano et al. |
Implementing High-Temperature Superconducting Filters at the RAEGE Station in Santa Maria for VGOS Receiver Resilience |
Mamoru Sekido et al. |
Status Report of Koganei 11-m Antenna and Local Tie Survey |
Saho Matsumoto et al. |
The 2023 Local Tie Surveys Conducted by GSI |
Yuanwei Wu et al. |
NTSC VLBI System and Recent Activities in Geodesy |
Shuangjing Xu et al. |
Geodetic and Astrometric VLBI at K/Q/W/D Bands with the KVN |
Jungho Cho et al. |
A New Receiver for Geodesy and Astrometry at the Korean VLBI Network |
José A. López-Pérez et al. |
Latest VGOS Receiver Developments from Yebes Observatory |
Gino Tuccari et al. |
DBBC4 Project for VGOS |
Alexander Neidhardt et al. |
Toolbox for the Detection of Strong RFI Sources with Station Onboard Methods from DiFX |
Ryuichi Ichikawa et al. |
Novel Real-time Observation of High-resolution Water Vapor Behavior for Detection of Precursors of Cumulonimbus Clouds and Investigation of Their Evolution |
Session 2. Observation Operation and Monitoring |
Christopher Dieck et al. |
Mapping Session Codes to Session Types for the v2.0 Master File Format |
Dirk Behrend and Cynthia Thomas |
Restructuring the Intensive Observing Program |
Alexander Neidhardt et al. |
Automatic Monitoring of the Network Performance |
Hayo Hase and Rüdiger Haas |
Ideas for Securing Undisturbed Geodetic VLBI Observations |
Kensuke Kokado et al. |
Activities of GSI on VLBI Observing Operation and Monitoring |
Cornelia Eschelbach et al. |
Metrological Investigations on the Stability of Reference Points of VGOS Antennas |
Nlingi Habana and Leonid Petrov |
On the Processing of Log Files for Monitoring Antenna Health |
Marta Bautista Durán et al. |
Satellite Mega-constellation Monitoring Campaign Using the VGOS Radio Telescope at Yebes Observatory during a 24-hour VLBI Session of the IVS |
Session 3. Correlation, Fringe Fitting and Source Structure |
Phillip Haftings and Sara Hardin |
Status of the Washington Correlator |
Simone Bernhart et al. |
Status Report of the Bonn Correlator |
Javier González-García et al. |
The DiFX Correlator for the RAEGE Network |
Maria Karbon et al. |
The Correlators and the Analyst |
Wara Chamani and Minghui Xu |
Fringe Fitting of VGOS Data for Astrogeodesy |
I. Martí-Vidal et al. |
Full-Polarization Imaging of PolConverted VLBI Observations |
Ezequiel Albentosa-Ruiz et al. |
Optimizing Global VLBI Calibration with PolConvert |
Makoto Miyoshi et al. |
Black Hole Ring Images from PSF Structures |
Session 4. Scheduling, Operational Analysis and Products |
Maria Davis and Sharyl Byram |
The IERS Rapid Service / Prediction Center Mission, Challenges, and Developments |
Sabine Bachmann et al. |
IVS Contribution to ITRF2020 Update |
Axel Nothnagel et al. |
Ambiguity Resolution in Legacy Sessions |
Takaaki Jike et al. |
Confirmation of Sensitivity for Detecting Anisotropy of Atmospheric Delay Using High-sensitivity Delay Measurement |
Christopher Dieck et al. |
Adjusting Intensive Formal Errors |
Matthias Glomsda et al. |
Analysis of Legacy and VGOS Intensives at IVS AC DGFI-TUM |
Sergei Bolotin et al. |
Automatic Processing of Intensives at the NASA GSFC VLBI Analysis Center |
Karen Baver et al. |
Evaluation of the KOKEE12M/ONSA13NE Baseline as a KOKEE12M/WETTZ13S Backup |
Jiangying Gan et al. |
UT1 Intensive Observing Program between Shanghai and Urumqi VGOS Antennas |
Sara Hardin and Maria Davis |
Investigating the Relationship between Simulated and Observed Geodetic Schedules |
Cynthia Thomas et al. |
Comparison of Operational S/X and VGOS Sessions for EOP Determination |
Mariana Moreira et al. |
Achievements and Prospects of the RAEGE Analysis Group |
Taylor Yates et al. |
CDDIS Data Ingest Updates and Future Developments |
Glenda Coetzer and Roelf Botha |
Research Data Citation for the IVS: Data Repositories and Persistent Identifiers |
Session 5. Interpretation and Comparison of VLBI Results in Geophysics, Geodesy and Astrometry |
Karine Le Bail et al. |
On the Importance of Closely Monitoring VLBI Telescope Reference Points |
Masafumi Ishigaki et al. |
How Does Station Position Modeling Affect the VLBI Scale in ITRF2020? |
Oleg Titov et al. |
Self-Calibration of Wet Troposphere Delay and Clock Phase Variations for VLBI Data Analysis |
Rüdiger Haas and Gunnar Elgered |
An Assessment of Parameters Describing the Signal Delay in the Neutral Atmosphere Derived from Co-located Instrumentation at the Onsala Space Observatory |
David Gordon and Phillip Cigan |
X/S versus K Band Source Stabilities from Time Series Analysis |
Megan C. Johnson et al. |
K-band 24-hour EOPs and UT1–UTC Intensives |
Hana Krásná et al. |
Geodetic Analysis of K-band VLBI Observations Until 2024.0 |
Patrick Charlot et al. |
Geodesy, Astrometry and High-resolution Imaging at K band with the European VLBI Network |
David Gordon et al. |
Progress Towards ICRF4 at X/S and K Bands |
Hana Krásná et al. |
The Q-band (43 GHz) Celestial Reference Frame Observed in 2021 |
Christopher DiLullo et al. |
The Fundamental Reference Image Data Archive (FRIDA) |
Severine Rosat and Sébastien Lambert |
Updated Estimation of the Free Core and Inner-Core Nutation Resonance Parameters Using 2023 VLBI Solutions |
Esther Azcue et al. |
RAEGE: Exploring Geodetic Capabilities and Applications |
Session 6. Extending the Use of VLBI to Frame Ties, Deep Space Exploration and Other Areas |
Joe Skeens et al. |
Extracting Geodetic Data from GNSS–VLBI Co-Observation |
Monia Negusini et al. |
Optical Clock Comparison Using K-band Geodetic VLBI Between Europe and Korea |
Patrick Charlot (on behalf of the IAU Multi-waveband ICRF Working Group) |
Towards a Multi-waveband Optical-radio ICRF |
Roberto Peron et al. |
METRIC: A Mission Concept for a Spacecraft Aimed at Upper Atmosphere Mapping, Gravitational Physics, and Geodesy |
Jingdong Zhang and Bo Zhang |
VLBI Astrometry of Radio Stars to Link Radio and Optical Celestial Reference Frames |