Data & Products

EOPS: IVS Products at OPAR Data Center

Please find detailed description of IVS combination procedures on the IVS Analysis Coordinator's home page, including which individual solutions were used in the combined products.

Solution name Solution description Reference epoch
IVS Combined Rapid with IAU2000 nutation offsets in dPsi, dEps Rapid sessions (R1/R4) only, 2005.0 to recent, updated twice a week ivs20r1e
IVS Combined Rapid with IAU2000 nutation offsets in dX, dY Rapid sessions (R1/R4) only, 2005.0 to recent, updated twice a week ivs20r1X
IVS Combined Quarterly with IAU2000 nutation offsets in dPsi, dEps All sessions, 1984.0 to recent, updated quarterly ivs19q3e
IVS Combined Quarterly with IAU2000 nutation offsets in dX, dY All sessions, 1984.0 to recent, updated quarterly ivs19q3X

Individual solutions from IVS Analysis Centers are listed in the following table.

IVS Analysis Center Name Solution file Description file
Geoscience Australia aus00007 aus00007
Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie bkg00014 bkg00014
Goddard Space Flight Center gsf2019a gsf2019a
Institute for Applied Astronomy iaa2017a iaa2017a
St. Petersburg University spu2015a spu2015a
U. S. Naval Observatory usn2019c usn2019c
ASI Matera asi2018a asi2018a
Observatoire de Paris opa2019a opa2019a