About IVS
IVS2006 Directing Board Elections
List of Nominations
Info on Representative Candidates
Info on At Large Candidates
Candidates for Representative Positions
This page provides information about the candidates for representative positions
on the IVS Directing Board. Within each category candidates are listed alphabetically
by their family names. The Representatives will be elected by the Associate Members.
Candidates for Networks Representative
Yoshihiro Fukuzaki
Geographical Survey Institute, Japan
After graduating from Tohoku University (major in radio astronomy), Yoshihiro Fukuzaki
was hired by the Geographical Survey Institute (GSI) in 1993. He joined GSI's VLBI
group where he was responsible for domestic and international VLBI experiments
conducted with the 26-m VLBI antenna at Kashima. He played a vital role in
constructing Tsukuba's 32-m VLBI antenna and VLBI correlator. He participated in
an Antarctic Expedition to help with the start-up of Syowa's VLBI operations. In
2002-2003 he was at the Geodetic Institute of the University of Bonn (Germany) to
study correlation and data analysis of Antarctic experiments. Since his return to
Japan, he has continuously analyzed the data of Antarctic experiments. He currently
is a chief researcher in the space geodesy research division of GSI.
Rüdiger Haas
Onsala Space Observatory, Sweden
Rüdiger obtained the Ph.D. from the Geodetic Institute of the University of Bonn
(Germany) in February 1997. Starting in 1997 he was a "young researcher" at the Onsala
Space Observatory participating in the European Training and Mobility of Researchers
(TMR) Programme. In November and December 1998 he was a guest scientist at the
Communications Research Laboratory (CRL; now NICT) in Kogane/Tokyo (Japan). From June
2000 to May 2004 he held a position as Assistant Professor at Chalmers University of
Technology, Onsala Space Observatory and in June 2004 he was promoted a permanent position
as Associate Professor. In February 2004 he became secretary of the European VLBI Group
for Geodesy and Astrometry (EVGA) and since July 2004 he has the responsibility for the
geodesy VLBI activities at the Onsala Network Station. Since Onsala Space Observatory
is also a member of the European and worldwide VLBI networks for radio astronomy,
Rüdiger has a good overall awareness of VLBI activities.
Hayo Hase
Transportable Integrated Geodetic Observatory, Chile
Hayo Hase was born in Germany in 1963. He studied geodesy at the
University of Bonn graduating with a diploma degree in 1990. As
member of the Bonn VLBI Group he was responsible for the first
VLBI operations at O'Higgins, Antarctica (1990-1993). In 1994
he took responsibility for the design and construction of the
Transportable Integrated Geodetic Observatory (TIGO) at the
Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie (BKG) in Wettzell,
Germany. In 1999 he obtained his doctoral degree from the
Technical University Munich. He was instrumental in setting
up TIGO in Concepcion, Chile in 2000-2001. Since 2002, Hayo
is the Head of TIGO and as group lead responsible for their
VLBI activities.
Hayo is the feature editor of the IVS Newsletter since 2001
and he was a member of all three IVS Working Groups (GPS Phase
Center Mapping, IVS Product Specification and Observing Programs,
VLBI2010). He organized two IVS General Meetings: the first
in Kötzting, Germany and the fourth in Concepción, Chile.
Since 2006 he is a member of the eVLBI Scientific Advisory Group
of the EXPReS Project.
Alexander Ipatov
Institute of Applied Astronomy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Alexander Ipatov was born on the 12th of April 1945 in Belorussia. He graduated from the
Faculty of Physics of the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute in 1970 as a specialist in Radio
Physics. In 1995 he received the academic status of Doctor of Sciences and in 2005 the rank
of professor. In 2004 he was awarded with the Prize of the Russian Government for the
development and creation of the new generation radio telescope for space research.
Alexander Ipatov is vice-director of the Institute of Applied Astronomy RAS since 1988.
Since 2004 he is a professor at the radio astronomy department of the St. Petersburg
Electrotechnical University. Alexander Ipatov is a member of the International Astronomical
Union (IAU) and International VLBI Service (IVS). He is an expert in radio physics, radio
astronomy, radio interferometry, and radio astronomy engineering. He is the author and
co-author of more than 155 publications.
Xiuzhong Zhang
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, China Xiuzhong Zhang was born in Shanghai,
China, on August 21, 1947. He is the Head of the VLBI Department of the Shanghai
Astronomical Observatory (SHAO) as well as the Head of the VLBI Laboratory of SHAO.
He is a member of the International Astronomical Union and of the Chinese Astronomical
Society. From 1970 to 1991, Prof. Chang did research in Astronomical Technology at the
Shannxi Astronomical Observatory. From June 1983 to June 1986 and from November 1989
to December 1990, he visited the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Germany,
to develop a board computer for x-ray satellite ROSAT. From 1991 to now, he is doing research
in the field of Radio Astronomical Technology at SHAO. As head of the VLBI Laboratory of
SHAO he develops VLBI technologies to support the Chinese VLBI stations and the Chinese
VLBI data processing center.
Candidates for Correlators and Operation Centers Representative
Kerry Kingham
U.S. Naval Observatory, USA
Kerry Kingham has been at the Washington VLBI Correlator Facility since 1985. In 1987,
he became Project Scientist for the Washington Correlator with the overall responsibility
to see that the correlator hardware and software is updated and functioning correctly,
and that processing is done correctly. He is familiar with all components of the Mark 4
geodetic VLBI Correlators including the Mark 5 disk units, the processor, the control
computers and software, and the logistics and management of Correlator resources. He was
the USNO representative to the International Advanced Computer Consortium which oversaw
the building of the basic components of the JIVE and Mark 4 Correlators. He has served
as Correlator and Operations Centers Representative on the IVS Directing Board since
replacing Marshall Eubanks in September 2000. Since 2001, he has had responsibility for
oversight of the NEOS Operations Center and is now Project Leader for VLBI Operations
at U.S. Naval Observatory. He has also served as a member of Working Group 2 (IVS Observing
Program) and is a member of the IVS Observing Program Committee.